What god would ask for blood? We wonder rightly at so grotesque a scene, as priests huddle over the congealing mess, as if the gods must hear us because of the stench. Do gods really thirst for so sickening a drink? Or is the blood only a symbol for what I am called to give away: life? For one god calls me to obey and another to submit. But the call is pointless. Even if I could give my life to God for a minute, I could not do it for an hour. Could I last an hour, I doubt I could submit for a day. Or even if I was asked only for a second, I could not give my life to God wholly even for that moment. So I say, “Here is blood, the symbol of a life flowing out, given wholly, finally, utterly. Take it as if it were mine, for, see? My blood runs too slowly.”
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